1. No pit riding (Gas or Electric)

  2. Racers age goes off their age as of Jan. 1st of each year.

  3. Scoring is a no-passing zone

  4. If a rider leaves the course for any reason you must re-enter the course where you left it

  5. Racers can question final results up to 30 minutes after the results are posted

  6. Race awards must be picked up on the day of the race

  7. Marking, cutting, tampering with, or otherwise changing the course in any manner is strictly  prohibited

  8. Worker points equal to first place points and can be done once per year. Rider must work from the start to end of the event to the receive full worker points 

  9. DCCR LLC Points will be 30, 27, 25, 24,23,22,21,20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 for all remaining places

  10. Throw-out races (1 throw-out race up to 10 races after 2 throw-out races) 

  11. The bike and racer must be on the starting line in gear for points

  12. No refunds

  13. No unsportsmanlike conduct will be tolerated

  14. Year-end awards/placing - Rider must race 50% of races - if there is an odd number round up. If rider doesn't race 50% of total races rider will be removed from year end awards and placing and riders behind will move up in placement. Tie in points will be a tie in year end awards and placement

  15. No switching bikes after the green flag

  16. The rider and machine must cross finish line each lap to count.

  17. Red flag races: final scoring will be done at the time of the red flag. (can be medical or bad weather)

  18. Sweepers: Sweepers are responsible for keeping the trail safe by riding or posting on the trail by keeping it marked and cleared.(Orange trail sweeper are elite sweepers and can make changes to race courses and disqualify/dock laps from rides.) 

  19. The rider must stay within 10 feet of the arrowed track, between double arrows, or on jumps.

  20. Riders can only ride in first gear to and from the starting/finish line.

  21. No practice starts

  22. Required race gear: Dot-approved helmet no more than 5 years old, boots, eye protection, shirt, and pants.

  23. Racers are responsible for the crew and can be asked to leave as a group or disqualified.

  24. All final decisions will be made by DCCR LLC.

  25. Any persons entering the event premises who have not signed the waiver at the entrance is and will be considered trespassing! 

  26. No Radio communication between the pit crew and the rider.

  27. Trail rider - you start in the rear after all of the classes have taken off and need to move over during the race for the faster riders. No membership is required but you can buy a transponder sticker and helmet number to see your overall placing.  This is for any class/age.

  28. Race classes: 65cc Jr(Max age 9)(Max 65cc 2stroke)

(Can not race 65cc Class at 9:30) -50cc Sr(Max age 9)(Max 50cc 2stroke/85cc 4 stroke)- 2 50cc Jr(Max age 6)(Max 50cc 4 stroke)(No mods)- 1 Schoolboy (Age 15-17)(Max 200cc)- 2 85cc (Max age 15)(85cc 2stroke/150cc 4 stroke)- 3 Air Cooled (Max age 15)(80cc-150cc)- 4 65cc (Max age 12)(65cc 2stroke)- 5 Women’s C (Minimum age 9)(80cc-4 stroke or 65cc 2 stroke Minimum )- A Bike- B Bike- Team-+30 (Minimum age 30)- +40 (Minimum age 40)- +50(Minimum age 50)- C Bike